The mascot is fully poseable(relative to the game) it's 3 segmented arms can be rotated, his ears can also be moved at either segment. On his right arm he carries the infamous Bon-Bon Mascot. Notice that on the left hand he carries a microphone, held by 5 triple segment fingers. The master parent of this rig is the pelvis. So, no real way to improve that. His legs, midlegs, feet, and even toes are poseable. A lot of his plates clip through things, and my only defense for that is that the game itself does the same thing. Starting this rig on October 12 and finished on the 23rd of December, this rig is somewhat complex but carefully made for your guys' entertainment.įF is made almost entirely out of schematics, all built "hand made" and imported and rigged through Mine-Imator.įF has (14)opening faceplate pieces, compiled of the 6 surface mask ones and the 8 "steel" ones underneath. But he's done, and this Christmas I figured it'd be appreciated if I released it.

FF is probably the most extensive rig I've had to do, and along with that one of the most tedious.